A TOTAL of 24 reports of drink-spiking have been made to North Wales Police in Rhyl, Prestatyn and St Asaph since the start of 2022, a Freedom of Information (FOI) request has revealed.

The Journal asked the force to disclose the total number of drink-spiking incidents it has received in 2022, 2023 and in 2024 so far, as well as the outcomes of these reports.


Search for man last seen by Rhyl bus and railway stations

Of these 24 reports, none have resulted in a successful prosecution.

Drink-spiking is when someone puts alcohol or drugs into another person's drink without their consent or knowledge.

Below, you can find a breakdown of the results for Rhyl, Prestatyn and St Asaph (no other Denbighshire towns in the Journal’s patch had had any incidents reported):

Rhyl – 19 results

  • 2022 – 10 results
  • 2023 – 5 results
  • 2024 - 4 results

Of the 19 reported incidents of drink-spiking in Rhyl since the start of 2022, 14 were described as “administering poison with intent to injure of annoy”.

In eight of these 14 cases, investigations were completed, but no suspect was identified.

Another three of these 14 remain under investigation.

For the remaining three of these cases, one saw a named suspect identified, but the victim declined of withdrew their support; another saw police name a suspect but evidential difficulties were encountered; and the third involved a victim declining or being unable to support action to identify the offender.

Three more reports were described as “common assault and battery (violence without injury)” incidents, all in 2022.

For two of these, investigations were completed, but no suspect was identified, and for the other, a suspect was identified, but the prosecution time limit expired.

Another report, from 2022, was described as “administering a substance with intent” – here, a named suspect was identified, but the victim declined to give, or withdrew, their support.

The final of the 19 cases was described as “single offender: rape of a female aged 16 or over”. In this instance, the victim declined, or was unable, to support action to identify the offender.

Prestatyn – 4 results

  • 2022 – 3 results
  • 2023 – 1 result

In all four instances of drink-spiking in Prestatyn, they were reported as “administering poison with intent to injury or annoy”.

Investigations were completed for all four of them, but no suspects were identified.

St Asaph – 1 result

  • 2023 – 1 result

The one instance of drink-spiking in St Asaph was also reported as “administering poison with intent to injure or annoy”.

In this case, the alleged victim declined, or was unable, to support any action to identify the offender.