A PETITION has been created calling for Rhyl High School to reverse its newly implemented policy of putting shutters down on toilets while pupils are in lessons.

The school’s acting headteacher, Ceri Ellis, said the move comes from pupil feedback, and has made a “much nicer toilet environment”.

Those with medical conditions can obtain a “toilet pass” to allow them to use a toilet during lessons.

But Darren Millar, MS for Clwyd East, described the decision as “draconian”, while one parent, who told the Journal it is their understanding that the move was moved to “stop people vaping in the toilets”, said it is “unacceptable”.

The petition, which has so far received more than 125 signatures, can be found at: www.change.org/p/restore-fair-toilet-access-for-students-at-rhyl-high-school.

Extracts from the petition read: “We express our deep concern over the recently implemented policy at Rhyl High School, which restricts student access to toilet facilities during school hours.

“While we recognise the need to address issues such as vaping and misbehaviour, the current approach - which locks toilet facilities for the majority of the school day - unfairly penalises all students, rather than targeting the specific individuals responsible for violations.

“This policy is not only restrictive, but may also be in violation of several rights and legal provisions aimed at safeguarding student wellbeing, health, and dignity.

“We ask that the school leadership and local authorities reconsider this decision and provide a more balanced, student-centred approach that addresses misuse without compromising basic needs.”

As well as urging the school to provide “more flexible access” to toilets for pupils during lesson time, the petition also calls for “alternative measures” to address behavioural issues.

It also suggests increasing staff monitoring of toilets during break times, and installing “more discrete security measures”, such as vape detectors.

Mr Millar, who has constituents who attend the school, added that learning of the new arrangements at the school, after being contacted by a parent, “shocked” him.

He also called for Rhyl High School to reverse this measure “as soon as possible”.

In response, Rhyl High School reiterated that it was a “pupil-led approach” which led to the shutters being installed.

A school spokesperson said: “Communal toilets are all open at the start of the school day, between every lesson, breaks and lunch times and at the end of the school day as normal.

“Communal toilets are only closed during lesson times. This is standard practice and is implemented by many schools.

“Accessible toilets remain open for all students during lesson time and any pupils with any medical conditions or needs are also issued with a toilet pass, which has always been the case.

“These pupil-led changes allow us to provide a much nicer facility for our pupils, as staff are now able to monitor the use of the facilities on a regular basis and ensure that they are kept to a high standard.

“Our ethos as a school is one where pupil wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do and every decision we make. This has allowed us to foster a culture where our pupils voice is pivotal.

“All parents received a letter notifying them of these proposed changes before they were implemented.

“Those who may still have concerns are encouraged to get in contact with the school directly.”