A SCHOOL in Abergele has issued a statement to reassure parents after a “false claim of a serious nature” was made by students earlier today (September 19).

Matt Wildsmith, headteacher of Ysgol Emrys ap Iwan, said the claim caused a “significant level of hysteria”, and “unnecessarily worried parents”.

The nature of the false claim was not outlined in Mr Wildsmith’s letter, but he said it was, in fact, “nothing more than a verbal disagreement” between students.

Mr Wildsmith’s letter read: “At Ysgol Emrys ap Iwan, we take great pride in the high regard we place on safety and the associated safeguarding of students.

“Unfortunately, today, some students caused a significant level of hysteria amongst the student body by making a false claim of a serious nature.

“I am aware that this has made its way onto social media and has unnecessarily worried parents.

“I would like to reassure you that this was nothing more than a verbal disagreement between a handful of students.”

Mr Wildsmith became headteacher of Ysgol Emrys ap Iwan at the start of the 2024-25 academic year.

He was previously Ysgol Emrys ap Iwan’s deputy head, but became headteacher after the retirement of Sue Williams at the end of the 2023-24 school year.

His letter added: “As a parent of two students in Ysgol Emrys ap Iwan myself, I would also understand any concern that may come to me via social media, but I wanted to reassure you that we take every allegation or concern raised with the utmost of seriousness and act swiftly, and this is why I have chosen to have my children here.

“Please be reassured that in the event of an emergency, we would not allow students to be the portal of information sharing, but that a message would be sent swiftly by the school to explain to parents the nature of any incident and associated actions that may be necessary.

“We have policies and procedures that are enabled to ensure that these actions occur.

“It is a shame that in the world of social media, sometimes misinformation can be transmitted, and I would be grateful if parents would be able to update any feeds as required to reflect my communication to you.

“I understand that some students may feel anxious, and I would ask you to reassure them. Thank you, as ever, for your support.”