A PENSIONER from Rhyl who offered a boy money in exchange for oral sex has been jailed.

Michael Lewis, 65, of Victoria Road, was sentenced to two years and 10 months’ imprisonment at Mold Crown Court today (September 19).

He had previously admitted a charge of inciting a boy to engage in sexual activity.


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Prosecuting, Simon Rogers told the court that, on June 19, Lewis approached the boy on a street and offered him £20 to allow him to perform oral sex upon him.

When the boy refused, Lewis increased his offer to £40.

The boy disclosed Lewis’ actions upon his return home.

In a statement, his mother said she is “completely shocked” by Lewis’ “predatory” behaviour, which she said has “impacted the innocence” of her son.

Lewis had one previous conviction, for sexual assault on a child, which resulted in him receiving a suspended prison sentence in December 2022.

Defending him, Gareth Bellis said his client’s guilty plea was his “best mitigation”.

Mr Bellis added that Lewis had a “limited involvement” with the boy, and asked if the length of his custodial sentence could be kept “to an absolute minimum”.

Sentencing, Judge Rhys Rowlands told Lewis: “One might have hoped that you would have learned your lesson (from his previous conviction).

“Sadly, it hasn’t been the case.

“You were old enough to have been the boy’s grandfather.

“Although you express a degree of contrition, it also appears that you don’t have much by way of insight into just how wrong your behaviour was.

“This offence is far too serious to be dealt with by anything other than an immediate custodial sentence, nor do I believe, at present, that there are reasonable prospects of rehabilitation.”

Lewis was made subject to a sexual harm prevention order and sex offenders register notification requirements indefinitely, and will also pay a statutory surcharge.