A year after the 20mph speed limit was implemented in Wales, drivers in North Wales have mixed opinions.

Some of the issues raised include an increase in road rage, the impact on vehicle engines and the controls being seen as unnecessary.

Gareth Trevor Jones highlights the controversy.

He said: "Sadly a very negative impact on day-to-day driving.

"NOTHING wrong with 20mph round schools etc but the Welsh Gov should concentrate on real problems, not use much-needed money on creating a dubious policy for road safety, which they are already reconsidering."

The boredom factor is also apparent.

As Nichola White said: "Nope I feel I concentrate less through boredom!"

Tom Dowling echoed these concerns.

"They were safe enough as they were without spending £32million and yes it impacts my life massively," he remarked.

There were numerous mentions of the revised speed limit negatively affecting road behaviours.

Catherine Anne Corrigan-Dodds said: "20mph has impacted all drivers, some who adhere to it and then there's those that don't.

"It is dangerous especially when you have someone behind you who wants you to go faster.

"So on that basis, I only adhere to it if there isn't one of those drivers behind me.

"Accidents waiting to happen.

"It's madness."

Gerald Jones added: "We have people doing 20-22mph in the 20 zones and then we have people doing 35-50mph overtaking those slow movers--more hazards now than ever."

Driving instructor Jen Williams said: "The roads have definitely become more unsafe.

"The number of drivers tailgating and dangerously overtaking is ridiculous.

"It also takes so much longer to get to learners."

However, Graham Price voiced his approval.

"Fantastic...much safer and less deaths on roads...FACT," he said.

Bethan Rhiannon added: "99% of people still do 30mph so it’s great."

There was also a growing consensus about the speed limit being too extensive.

Callum Jones said: "In some roads like school zones and in town, I understand but the likes of the coast road and near the Alexandra Hospital, I do not understand it."

Fueling the debate further, some remarked how the limit impacted their vehicle's performance.

Julie Woodward said: "Most do over 20.

"And 20 is playing havoc with my engine."

Tracey Sweetman agreed: "Nearly one year of wrecking your car engine, more stupid drivers, crawling along roads that never should have been 20."

The mandatory limit has led to some drivers opting for self-regulation.

James Langfield said: "No, you have to keeping checking to see if the vehicle which has zoomed up behind is going to overtake instead of concentrating on whats going on in front."

This issue has proven divisive, revealing the complexity of road regulations in contemporary society.