PLANS are in the works to bring a Christmas market to Rhyl this winter.

Widnes-based Kevin Gurney, owner of events company Twilight Touring, said he wants to help stop Rhyl from “going downhill”, as a town which he has a strong “emotional attachment” to.

Kevin, 53, has made enquiries with various Rhyl-based councillors and Denbighshire Leisure Ltd about the viability of a Christmas market at the town’s Events Arena, either during the weekend of November 30/December 1 or December 7-8.

He has also set up a Facebook page, entitled Rhyl Events Suggestions, which has amassed more than 500 members since being created last week.

In addition, a JustGiving page has been created, with funds to go towards setting up a community interest company under the name of Reviving Rhyl -


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Kevin said: “I was in Rhyl every weekend as a kid in 1970s and ‘80s.

“I wanted to suggest ideas for non-profit community events, so asked people on Rhyl Events Suggestions what they’d like to see – a Christmas market was one idea which seemed to gather a lot of support.

“It’s one which could be quite easily self-funded, so it seems like quite a good place to start. We’re currently trying to arrange a date to speak to councillors, and hopefully, we can get something on at the Events Arena.

“Denbighshire Leisure have asked for an ‘event plan’ to be put together and sent to them. It’s not something that I can afford to put thousands of pounds into, but I’m hoping local businesses will also pull together.”

Other ideas that have been suggested to Kevin have included a Pride event, a car show, a skating rink, a free paddling pool, and an outdoor cinema.

One Rhyl-based councillor, Cllr Joan Butterfield, has already responded to his initial email, suggesting a face-to-face meeting with him to try and plan things further.

Denbighshire Leisure, which is responsible for Rhyl Events Arena, told him it welcomes applications for events at the site, and would be happy to receive an outline of his proposal for a Christmas market.

Kevin added: “I spent a lot of Sundays on the BMX bike track in Rhyl… it  takes me back to when I had no responsibilities.

“I still hear songs that remind me of being in Les Harker’s Arcade… it’s my happy place, to be honest. My kids love it as much as I have over the years.”

Cllr Butterfield added: "A Christmas market would be good, and I'm sure it would bring in lots of people to the town.

"I have asked for a date convenient to Kevin to meet up in the Rhyl Town Council offices to discuss the events that he might want us to support in the near future.

"We are all looking forward to this meeting, and hope Kevin gets back to us soon."

A spokesperson for Denbighshire Leisure Ltd said: “We have received an expression of interest and an outline of an event plan for the Events Arena in Rhyl.

"We are advising the applicant of the infrastructure, licenses and certifications that are required to host an event like a Christmas market in an outdoor area in December.

"There is no currently fixed booking in place, however if the booking is confirmed we will make a further announcement with more details.

"Until such time a booking has been agreed, we feel it’s premature to ask for donations at this stage.”