A couple have achieved a 7.5 stone weight loss result after years of bad habits and concerning health issues.

Gary and Michelle Davies from Caergwrle faced no issues with their weight growing up and happily got married, Gary in a 28-inch trouser and Michelle size 10, in 1988.

The pair moved in together and began relying on takeaways and "easy" meals due to a lack of cooking experience and expertise. They'd go out every weekend to enjoy themselves and from that point on, the weight began to increase year-on-year.

Gary and Michelle Summer 2024Gary and Michelle Summer 2024 (Image: Gill Rhouma)

In 1994, the couple welcomed a son, Jake, and whilst Michelle endeavoured to lose some weight, Gary continued to enjoy himself. Even when Gary was diagnosed with high-blood pressure, the medication did not present a concern. 

Hitting 23 and 18 stone, it soon started to have an impact on their life. 

Michelle said: "Putting the weight on really was starting to take its toll, we felt really sluggish and didn’t have much energy…we knew we had to do something so we would start a diet for a few weeks, eating just steak, counting calories, drinking shakes that made us absolutely feel sick to not eating till lunch and feeling like we were to going to faint, only for it to stop and we’d revert back to our old ways!"

Gary beforeGary before (Image: Gill Rhouma)

In 2013, Michelle's work manager had arranged a 10k run in Manchester for family and friends following the sad passing of his wife to bowel cancer. Determined to give it a go and after talking to Gary, Michelle attended her very first Slimming World group the following morning in Llay.

She soon lost the weight but was then faced with a bigger challenge - lockdown. The weight returned and Michelle got back into her old eating habits.

The defining moment came when the couple booked a trip to the Isle of Wight to visit their son and his partner, Cait. Gary and Michelle were to become grandparents, an incredibly exciting time for the family. The news was shortly followed by Gary suffering a stroke and so it was now or never to change their lives for the better.

Michelle added: "When the ambulance got to us I was already doing CPR, I’ll never forget the look on the paramedic faces when they saw Gary and said that they would need to call another crew in to help.

"I remember the conversation to this day with the doctor when I questioned why it had happened – his response was blunt but honest - it was our lifestyle – he was overweight!

The couple now only drink on special occasionsThe couple before their weight loss (Image: Gill Rhouma)

"When Gary was finally well enough to come home, we knew we needed to go back to Slimming World because it was now, more than ever, important to impact on our health by losing weight."

In October 2023, the pair returned to the group held at the Royal British Legion in Llay and haven't looked back since. Having lost over 7 stone between them, Michelle adds: “It has made such a difference to both of us, especially travelling, as it’s so much easier to lift and move Gary around by myself.

"Whilst the stroke has affected Gary’s digestion system, the healthy lifestyle following Food Optimising, which is Slimming Worlds generous eating plan, has enabled Gary’s tablets to be decreased and also other tablets he has been taking which were to regulate everything.

"His blood pressure is normal and he’s been taken off those tablets and even when he’s in a wheelchair his blood pressure is perfect. His concentration has improved and by losing 3st 3lb the weight from Gary’s middle makes it easier for him to sit up, and again it helps his digestion. His skin is healthier as well.

"When the stroke happened we thought life was over, but now we have more energy and zest for life. The doctors gave Gary three years!! We are now four years into the journey with Gary having small improvements, but what has really helped is his weight loss.

"I have just 1 ½ stone to go to the target I set myself and I’ve gone from a size 22 to fit into size 14’s. Gary has gone from an XXXL to an XL – he is at his perfect weight and I couldn’t be more proud of him and I’m a little proud of myself too."

Michelle and Gary express their gratitude to the group and its leader, Gail Carver, who has supported their huge transformation. 

Gail said: “I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Michelle and Gary for over 10 years. They came through the doors of my 5pm group last September and haven’t looked back! Since then they have both become such inspirational members to my group, offering support whenever needed.

"It’s an honour to be their consultant and see how losing the weight has enriched their lives."

For further information on joining Gail’s Llay group held at the Royal British Legion in Llay every Thursday at 9am, 12 noon, 5pm and 7pm call Gail on 07545907004.