A FLAT in Rhyl has been issued with a three-month full closure order after police received “constant reports” of antisocial behaviour and drugs-related offences at the property.

On Monday (August 19), police placed a 48-hour closure notice on the property, before the full closure order was granted at Llandudno Magistrates’ Court yesterday (August 21).

It means that access to the flat is prohibited to anyone except those listed on the order for the next three months.


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A North Wales Police spokesperson said: “The full closure order was granted after two years of evidence was put to the court for this to be granted, following constant reports of anti social behaviour, drug-dealing, drug-taking, and County Lines members taking over the flat.”

North Wales Police said it does not divulge street names where closure orders are issued to protect any potentially vulnerable residents.

Closure orders are obtained to protect vulnerable residents from their property being used by others for antisocial or illegal activities.

Anyone who breaches a closure order is liable to be arrested.