A SOCIAL club in Rhyl has, for the second time, been named “Welsh club of the year” by the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA).

The Esplanade Club, on Rhyl Coast Road, was presented with its award last Saturday (August 17).

Owner Hilary Wright-Jones highly delighted to receive the award from CAMRA's Welsh director, Chris Charters, while Anne Burnham, social secretary of Vale of Clwyd’s CAMRA branch, hailed its “great achievement”.


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Hilary also received the CAMRA North Wales club of the year certificate from Cllr Barry Mellor, who represents the Rhyl East ward on Denbighshire County Council.

Saturday's presentation was well supported by both club and Vale of Clwyd branch members.

It has also been CAMRA's Vale of Clwyd branch club of the year since 2017 (excluding years during the COVID-19 pandemic.

CAMRA is a consumer organisation which promotes real ale, cider and perry and traditional British pubs and clubs.