MEASURES are being considered to try to prevent unauthorised encampments parking on a section of Rhyl’s promenade.

On August 9, a campervan and a 4x4 vehicle arrived on the promenade, and were joined on August 12 by numerous caravans, before leaving on August 15.

Now, Denbighshire County Council (DCC) has said it is looking into potential "target hardening measures".

A resident, who took the attached photos, said he wrote to Gill German, the MP for Clwyd North (the constituency which Rhyl is part of) about the matter, and said he and his neighbours also planned to speak to DCC about possible preventative measures.

The unauthorised encampment in RhylThe unauthorised encampment in Rhyl (Image: Submitted)

The resident, who asked not to be named, said: “There were five caravans, some of which were obstructing paths.

“Residents are growing frustrated and are writing an open letter to the council to do more, and also to put some prevention measures in place to stop this.

“It’s happening every weekend now, and it’s becoming a free campsite opposite our homes.

“I’ve had conversations with the liaison officer from DCC who deals with these problems, and she’s advised that there are plans in place for the future to install posts along the front, so that this area can’t be accessed by vehicles.”


More caravans arrive on Rhyl’s promenade as unauthorised encampment grows

Encampment on Rhyl promenade as residents plan letter to council

The council carried out a welfare check at the site last week.

A number of encampments were spotted on the same stretch of the promenade in Rhyl in July.

Yesterday (August 20), a DCC spokesperson said: “In light of recent reports regarding a number of vehicles parked up at the west end of Rhyl promenade, the council are currently looking at potential target hardening measures to reduce the likelihood of future encampments.”

Gareth Davies, the MS for Vale of Clwyd, expressed concern last week that this matter has become “particularly prevalent” in Rhyl this summer.

He claimed a similar encampment has been set up at the Russell House car park on Churton Road, which DCC operates.

Mr Davies said: “Whereas I appreciate the good communication and quick responses from DCC, I feel they have failed to get to grips with the scale of the issue and take preventative and proactive measures to stop unauthorised encampments happening in the first place.

“I would urge DCC to use the autumn, winter and spring months to go back to the drawing board and create a more efficient plan that works for all of Rhyl and the wider areas.”