A dangerous rapist has been handed an extended jail sentence following a raft of offences.

Connor Tabner, presently residing at HMP Berwyn but formerly of Prestatyn, appeared at Mold Crown Court on Friday for sentence.

The 23-year-old had been convicted previously of a number of offences - three of a sexual nature including rape, assault by penetration and sexual assault.

Myles Wilson, prosecuting, told the court that Tabner had a number of violent offences against women on his criminal record.

The court heard that when Tabner as found guilty by a Jury of the sexual offences, he subjected jurors to a tirade of foul abuse from the dock.

It took two prison officers to get him out of the courtroom.


Judge Simon Mills said it had been the worst outburst from a defendant in the dock he'd heard, short of actual violence.

Philip Clemo, defending, told the court: "He wishes to express remorse for those actions. What he did was highly inappropriate.

"He apologises profusely for the outburst at the end of the trial."

Mr Clemo said it was conceded his client would be facing a lengthy period of time behind bars for his crimes.

"The fact remains," he continued, "one day he will be out of prison and he will still be - relatively speaking - a young man.

"What will neither help him nor others is for any hope for a productive life to be snuffed out.

"Prior to the events leading up to his arrest, he had everything set up so he could set up a business and run it.

"He does have realistic ambitions to be a decent member of society.

"The issue here is if Your Honour concludes he is a dangerous offender.

"I say he is perhaps more a 'damaged' young man than truly dangerous.

"But that doesn't mean punishment isn't richly deserved for that which the Jury found him guilty of.

Connor Tabner. Image: North Wales PoliceConnor Tabner. Image: North Wales Police (Image: North Wales Police)

"There's some measure of hope in his recognition that he needs to address his behaviour."

Judge Mills told the court he had concluded Tabner is indeed "a dangerous offender," and that a standard determinate sentence would not provide sufficient protection to the public.

As such, taking rape as the lead offence, the Judge handed down an extended sentence of 15 years - 12 of which are custodial in nature, with three years extended licence.

Tabner must serve at least two-thirds (eight years) of the custodial term before he can be considered for release on licence by the parole board.

But should the parole board disagree, he may have to serve the full 12 years behind bars.

Tabner's sentence also incorporated concurrent prison terms for a number of other offences, including: assault occasioning actual bodily harm, strangulation and controlling/coercive behaviour.

He will be subject to the notification provisions as a sex offender for the rest of his life.