ITV weather presenter Siân Lloyd has apologised to a pub in Conwy after claiming its staff had told her friends to leave its premises for singing in Welsh.

The Blue Bell, on Castle Street, said that on Saturday afternoon (August 3), a group was asked on multiple occasions to respect its other customers.

Its owners dismissed “ridiculous claims about language”, meanwhile, after Lloyd posted on X: “Friends of mine have just been thrown out (of The Blue Bell) for singing in their native language.

She added that it was “scarcely credible (that) such a frightful pub exists in Cymru”.

But the pub said that the group was “loud and intimidating”, and “also attempted to physically intimidate staff members”.

A statement from the pub added: “I’m not even going to dignify with a response the ridiculous claims about language.

“We don’t care whether you sing in English, Welsh, Chinese or Russian, if you’re asked to stop and you don’t, you’ll be asked to leave.”

In a post on her social media, Lloyd expressed her “utter mortification” about how the pub’s staff were being treated in a “totally unacceptable” manner.

She added: “It goes without saying that I would urge people to get a grip and stop such hate behaviour immediately.

“I genuinely thought my original post was defending the Welsh language, and fairly tongue in cheek, hoping to start a conversation, hence the question mark and emoji.

“Clearly, I misjudged the situation, as well as the mood, and that did not happen. I was wrong and I stand corrected.”

“What I was told about the incident now appears not to be the full story. At the end of the day, I was not there and should not have reacted so instinctively and defensively upon hearsay. For that, my sincere apologies.”

Lloyd also offered to visit the pub and meet its staff.

She added: “I am appalled at the thought of causing any small business distress and for all the confusion, hostility and prejudice my specious post caused.

“Another irony, I have spent my life advocating inclusivity re the Welsh language, so you can imagine how much this has disturbed and saddened me. I can only, with deep regret, begin to imagine what it has done to you.

“I sincerely hope any damage is short term and wish you both all the very best with the next stage of your lives.”

Yesterday (August 7), The Blue Bell expressed its gratitude for the “overwhelming amount of love and support” it has been shown since this incident.