A Chester man and woman have been arrested for trying to incite a hate protest at a Cheshire hotel which they claimed was home to asylum seekers.

Officers from Cheshire Police confirmed they have arrested two people on suspicion of racially aggravated harassment with intent to cause fear and violence.

On Sunday, August 4, officers received several reports from concerned members of the public in relation to a Snapchat post encouraging members of the public to attend a protest at a hotel in Cheshire.

The post contained misleading information stating that the hotel was home to a number of asylum seekers. Thankfully, the post did not result in any disorder.

Following the reports, an investigation was launched by Cheshire police which resulted in the arrest of 32-year-old man and 34-year-old woman from Chester, on Monday, August 5.

The pair have since been released on conditional bail pending further enquiries.

Chief Superintendent Jonathan Betts said: “Firstly I would like to thank the local community for all their support during this investigation.

“As these arrests demonstrate, inciting violence online, whatever the motivation, will not be tolerated in Cheshire and we will take robust action against all those involved in such activity.

“These messages have been posted in order to cause hate and disorder in our communities. Anyone who is found to be encouraging such offences, be that online or in person, will be dealt with."

Following a series of riots across the UK in recent days, hundreds of people have been arrested with offences in connection with the violent disorder.

Justice minister Heidi Alexander said the Government had brought more than 500 additional prison places into use to deal with rioting, and some 6,000 specialist police officers were at the ready.