WASTE and fraud in the benefits system will not be tolerated, a government spokesman has warned.

The statement, from the Department of Work and Pensions, comes after a Wrexham mum was brought before the courts for defrauding the public purse of more than £80,000.

Charlene Brindley, of Daisy Road in Brynteg, Wrexham, appeared at Mold Crown Court for sentence on Thursday morning, having been convicted at a previous hearing of one offence of fraud and three of failing to notify the Department of Work and Pensions of changes in her circumstances.

The 41-year-old's offences took place between 2014 and 2019, during which time she was in receipt of a number of benefits; including income support, employment support allowance, housing benefit and working and child tax credits.

She claimed those benefits on the basis that she was a lone parent and was obliged to notify the authorities if that changed.

But an investigation confirmed she had been maintaining a common household with a man she went on to marry in 2017.

As a result of her failing to tell the DWP of the change in her circumstances, Brindley's benefit overpayment during the period of the offences came to approximately £81,000.

Following the sentencing hearing, a DWP spokesperson told the Leader: “This government will not tolerate fraud or waste anywhere in public services, including in the social security system.

“We are determined to reduce fraud and error and are currently exploring all options on how best to achieve our goal.”

Brindley, who has been repaying the roughly £81,000 she unlawfully claimed at a "token" amount of £70 a month from her benefits, received a suspended sentence.

The offences also received widespread condemnation from readers, who took to the Leader's site and social media pages to have their say.

Martyn Coldray said: "Should be jailed and made to pay it back."

CJ Al said: "She shouldn’t get any more benefits."

Tony Martin said: "And they say crime doesn't pay?"

M K said: "Why no jail sentence?

"What kind of message does this send?"

Allison Lewis said: "This is shocking. Where is the incentive to work?

"And be honest; if you claim benefit, £70 month is no deterrent at all - plus they’ve set it at a figure that will never be repaid.

"Should be taken far more seriously - makes my blood boil."

Stephen Cowell said: "It’s just complete madness. The rest of us pay our taxes, do things properly - for what? 

"We have no structure any more. We have no respect for authority any more."

Judge Timothy Petts made clear during the sentencing hearing that he had to have regard to the delay in bringing Brindley to court when arriving at the appropriate sentence.

He said: "It's staggering that she's interviewed and the offences are put to her in 2019, and it then takes five years for her to be prosecuted for it.

"It's completely unacceptable. There really should have been some explanation for this other than her file sitting on someone's desk gathering dust."

The Judge told Brindley: "The total overpayment of benefits is in the region of £81,000, which you've been paying back at a modest amount since.

"Whether you will be able to repay the amount you were overpaid, I rather doubt.

"If your only income is from benefits, it will take you well into your hundreds."