Three Redrow employees, including an Abergele site assistant, have successfully completed the company's unique housebuilding degree course.

Austin Dalby, 22, Max Smith, 23, and Sean Williams, 22, all spent three years on the sponsored Construction Management degree programme, working across various departments in Redrow's North West division.

Redrow launched the course in 2017, in collaboration with Liverpool John Moores University and Coleg Cambria.

It offers school leavers with strong A-Level or BTEC Level 3 results, or individuals with a background in construction seeking further qualifications, an opportunity to enter the industry.

Mr Williams from Abergele, who completed a bricklaying apprenticeship with Redrow before enrolling in the housebuilding degree, said: "The degree was a big step up from the apprenticeship and I thought I’d struggle with the academic side but I was guided a lot by previous graduates.

"Being able to rotate through different departments within Redrow was a great aspect of the degree.

"I’m now looking forward to progressing to become a site manager over the next few years."

Mr Dalby, from Hoylake, Wirral, said: "It was great to apply knowledge I gained from being out on site, to things in the classroom and vice versa.

"I also benefited hugely from having mentors."

Mr Dalby is now a trainee site assistant and aims to become a site manager.

Mr Smith, from Liverpool, juggled working full time while studying for the degree.

Mr Smith said: "I think I underestimated how hard it was going to be, however, it definitely taught me to manage my time better and this is something I’ve brought into my new role as a trainee site assistant."

Jason Newton, managing director of Redrow's North West division said: "Austin, Max and Sean are great assets to our business.

"Over the last three years, they have really got to grips with us as a business and I’m so pleased that all of them see a future within the business."

For further information, queries can be directed to the Redrow career website