93 per cent of adults in Wales are shocked to learn pets can still legally be offered as prizes, as the RSPCA battles for a ban on the practise.

The organisation has relaunched its #NoFunAtTheFair campaign calling for an end to the outdated activity of giving away pets, particularly goldfish, as prizes.

Currently, all 22 local authorities in Wales have restricted the practise on their land.

However, it remains legal for pets to be given away as prizes on privately-owned land in Wales - as is the case in England.

RSPCA campaigns officer Christa Harwood said: "Now we are in the summer holidays and fairs and shows become more commonplace, we’re urging our supporters to help us spread the message that this outdated practice needs to be placed well and firmly into the history books.

"We’re delighted that all the 22 councils in Wales have taken action and this practice will not take place on their land.

"However, the giving out of pets as prizes could still happen in Wales on private land."

Figures indicate that 78 per cent of adults in Wales were unaware that pets could be offered as prizes, while 85 per cent agree that keeping a goldfish in a bag is animal cruelty.

Goldfish are easily stressed and fish that are won as prizes often suffer from shock, oxygen starvation, and die from temperature changes in water.

Evie Button, RSPCA animal welfare expert, highlighted the inherent issues, saying: "We all want to see a world where pets are acquired responsibly, well looked after and respected.

"But sadly many goldfish are at risk with their welfare hinging on the spur-of-the-moment result of a carnival game."

She also said: "Put simply, animals are not prizes."

Since 2023 when the campaign was launched, the charity has seen 12,409 people support it, following more than 8000 people supporting them in 2022.

The RSPCA's latest data suggests a "compassion gap" in society, with the younger generation (aged 18-24) less likely to be animal lovers.

The RSPCA fears the tradition of giving pets as prizes is damaging society's perspective towards animals, as 15 per cent of pet owners regret their decision to own a pet, a slight increase from the 13 per cent in 2023.

For more information visit www.rspca.org.uk/200.