A MAN from Kinmel Bay who played a “crucial” part in the supply of class A drugs has been jailed.

Macauley Wood, 28, of Glascoed Avenue, was sentenced to 27 months’ imprisonment at Mold Crown Court today (August 1).

He had previously pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine and heroin.


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Prosecuting, Thomas McLoughlin told the court that Wood was indebted to other individuals, who influenced him to become involved in drug supply.

Between December 2023 and May 2024, a “graft phone” was found to have sent more than 10,000 messages advertising the sale of cocaine and heroin in the Denbighshire and Conwy areas.

On May 22, a car which Wood, and the phone, were inside was stopped by police – he was arrested, and the device was seized.

There was found to be 32 common contacts between Wood’s personal mobile and the “graft phone”, while further analysis revealed the two phones had often been in the same locations at the same time as each other.

Examples of messages sent from the phone included “on with both” and “massive bit, get on me, going fast”.

Wood’s home was searched, and electronic devices and £780 were found.

Defending Wood, who had three previous convictions for four offences albeit none for drug supply-related matters, John Wyn Williams said his client had a “sad upbringing”, having lost close relatives.

Mr Wyn Williams said Wood, a roofer, has “lost his way” and has suffered from “not having a guiding light in his life”.

He was said to have used his time on remand in custody “constructively”, meanwhile.

Sentencing, Judge Niclas Parry also made a deprivation order in respect of the cash found at Wood’s home.

Judge Parry acknowledged that Wood had “acted out of character”, but said he had played a “significant role” in the supply of class A drugs nonetheless.

He told Wood: “You know the harm class A drugs cause. You know the harm to health, and the criminality caused by people being desperate to buy drugs.

“For three months, you were a crucial cog in a very big wheel. You were the holder of a very active phone.

“You’re an intelligent man, and you chose to do this.”

Wood will pay a statutory surcharge upon his release from prison.