A MAN from Rhyl who was found after being wanted on recall to prison has been spared jail despite breaching his suspended sentence.

Kieron Bellis, 29, was charged with failure to comply with a suspended sentence order (made at Mold Crown Court on April 13), and failure to reside as directed.

Bellis returned to Mold Crown Court this morning (July 30), where he admitted breaching the suspended sentence.


Rhyl man found and charged after not complying with suspended sentence

He had been sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment, suspended for two years, for possession with intent to supply, and being concerned in the supply of, cannabis.

The court heard that Bellis had completed the hours of unpaid work he was assigned as part of his suspended sentence, but not the “thinking skills” programme.

Bellis was said to have “completely disengaged” and “lost contact” with the probation service.

After being arrested last weekend, he was bailed by magistrates on the condition that he contact probation, which he did.

Sarah Yates, representing Bellis, said he now has “stable accommodation” with his parents in Corwen.

Judge Niclas Parry, presiding over the hearing, ordered Bellis to carry out 20 more hours of unpaid work, but deemed it “unjust” to activate the suspended sentence.

Though, he warned Bellis that he will have “no excuse” if he breaches it again.

He told Bellis: “You probably need a ‘thinking skills’ (programme), because you’re not thinking very straight at the moment.

“You were given a chance by the court in April for a serious offence.

“On the other hand, there’s a lot on the good side. You did that unpaid work very quickly.

“Don’t come back again, because I can’t give you a chance if you breach it again.”