THE headteacher of a secondary school of Abergele is retiring, bringing to an end her 34-year association with it.

Sue Williams will leave her position as head of Ysgol Emrys ap Iwan today (July 19), as the school’ 2023-24 academic year comes to an end.

She will be replaced by Matthew Wildsmith, currently the school’s deputy headteacher.

He, in turn, will be replaced as deputy headteacher by Laura Evans, currently one of the school’s assistant heads.

The school’s 2024-25 term will begin on Wednesday, September 4.


Ysgol Emrys ap Iwan staff ‘proud’ of achieving GCSE students

Abergele school makes 'significant progress', Estyn review finds

Mrs Williams said: “As I retire as headteacher (and after a total of 34 years at the school) I would like to praise and thank the whole school community, past and present.

“Ysgol Emrys ap Iwan is a wonderful school that is very dear to my heart. Although I am leaving Emrys, it will never leave me.

“I look forward to seeing the school going from strength to strength under the leadership of the new headteacher, Mr Matt Wildsmith, and the new deputy headteacher, Mrs Laura Evans.

“I wish them and all of the staff, governors, our learners and families and everyone who supports the school all the very best in the future.

“I would also like to thank the other members of staff who are leaving this summer for their many years of dedication and hard work.

“We wish them every future happiness and success.”

Last summer, more than 10 pupils at Ysgol Emrys ap Iwan achieved multiple A* and A grades in their GCSEs, as the school hailed an “outstanding” set of results.

In July 2023, the school was found to have made “sufficient progress” by education inspectorate Estyn, who had handed it four recommendations for improvement 12 months earlier.

The generally positive 2022 report, which said the school “offers pupils a wide range of opportunities to experience learning within the school day and beyond”, made the following recommendations:

  • Improve the quality of teaching and assessment.
  • Strengthen provision for the progressive development of pupils’ skills, including Welsh.
  • Strengthen leadership at all levels and improve self-evaluation and improvement planning.
  • Address the health and safety issues identified during the inspection.