A COUPLE of men have admitted producing cannabis in Rhyl after police discovered hundreds of plants at an industrial unit in the town.

Edison Cela, 34, of Fluturim Keti, 38, both of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to a charge of production of cannabis at Mold Crown Court today (July 18).

They are currently remanded in custody, and will be sentenced on Tuesday (July 23).

The court heard that the men produced a total of 866 cannabis plants.


Arrests made after cannabis plants found at Rhyl industrial unit

Judge Rhys Rowlands, presiding over today’s hearing, refrained from ordering pre-sentence reports on behalf of both defendants.

He told them they would be given reductions on their sentences by virtue of their guilty pleas.

On April 11, officers, assisted by specialist teams including a drone unit, executed a warrant at an industrial property to the rear of Ernest Street.

A sophisticated and extensive cultivation of cannabis plants was found across two storeys of the unit.

Cela and Keti were subsequently arrested following this discovery.

PC Sophie Corkish said: "People often describe the production and use of cannabis as being a victimless crime, but it’s not.

"Organised crime is behind many of these cannabis factories, and criminals are earning a lot of money off the back of our communities, and they often protect their plantations by using violence and intimidation.

"Whatever your views on cannabis, the serious and organised crime and people trafficking which is linked to these factories can cause real damage to our communities and it funds further criminality.

“We make no apologies for taking the necessary actions to keep our local residents safe from such harm."