Member of the Welsh Parliament for North Wales, Sam Rowlands, has joined the campaign against the 20mph speed limit across the region.

As part of his continued campaign against the new legislation, he joined fellow Conservative members Darren Millar MS for Clwyd West and Gareth Davies MS for the Vale of Clwyd to support the Denbighshire say NO to default 20mph protest group.

The politicians met with members of the protest group in Pensarn, where they set off in a convoy.

Mr Rowlands said: "I was happy to show my support to highlight this extremely unpopular and unwarranted policy and absolutely amazed to hear that Denbighshire holds the record for the least number of exempted roads in Wales."

The Welsh MS criticised the Labour-led council for the introduction of the unpopular law.

He said: "The Labour-led council is clearly not listening to public opinion and it is a real shame that local people have to resort to protesting to be heard.

"This bonkers idea has led to a petition against its implementation signed by almost half a million people and yet ministers in Cardiff have totally disregarded this."

Mr Rowlands argues that the legislation is not just a frustration, but is causing genuine chaos and confusion for the public.

"People are absolutely fed up of the continued hassle being caused by this extremely unpopular law.

"It needs to be scrapped immediately," he said.

Sarah Jones, an organiser of the Denbighshire say NO to default 20mph protest, thanked the politicians for their supportive presence.

She said: "Our second convoy on June 29 was in conjunction with Conwy County Residents say NO to Blanket 20 limits who also had a convoy on the same day.

“Cars were decorated with bunting and posters with say no to 20.

"The convoy travelled from Pensarn through Towyn, Kinmel Bay, Rhyl, Prestatyn, Meliden and finished in Dyserth.

"We received lots of beeps and waves from other road users and lots of waves from pedestrians in support .

"We have now had two protests and two convoys and the reaction from the majority of the public has been very positive.

“The consultation re road change requests is a farce.

"A lot of people think the majority of roads will revert back to 30mph following Ken Skates statement.

"The reality is totally different.

"The Welsh Government are not listening and I doubt in North Wales very little will change.”

The protest group is now urging residents and business owners within the county to join in protesting the speed limit.