THE postmaster of Kinmel Bay’s post office has taken on the same role at a branch in Rhyl which has so far faced difficulties in sticking to its advertised opening times.

Kirrit Patel, who has been the Kinmel Bay post office postmaster for nearly six years, will start the same job at Rhyl’s Bodfor Street site on Monday (July 8).

He will still be running the Kinmel Bay post office as normal, while the Rhyl branch will now be open from 9am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday.


New postmaster at Rhyl post office which has struggled to stay open

‘Staffing issues’ cause Rhyl post office to close during opening hours

The Bodfor Street branch in Rhyl, which opened last year, has been experiencing “staffing issues,” the Post Office said in April.

Kirrit said: “I’m taking it on on a temporary basis, but with a view to making it permanent.

“I wanted to take it because the community has suffered in Rhyl with the lack of services that they want there, and that they’re crying out for.

“I get numerous complaints from customers in my branch, who say that they’ve had to travel by bus or taxi to get there because the one on Bodfor Street has been closed.

“So, the Post Office approached me and asked if I would be interested. I’ve read all the comments (on Facebook, about him taking on the Rhyl branch), which is quite heart-warming.

“It’s nice to know that what we do is appreciated.”

When the Post Office moved the High Street branch to Bodfor Street last year, it said there would be 81 hours of services a week – 35 more than previously.

A Post Office spokesperson said: “We know how important a Post Office is to a community and we are delighted to be quickly restoring service to Rhyl with an experienced postmaster.

“The opening hours will initially be Monday to Friday.”