We have been out and about at the polling stations today.

We spoke to voters in Rhyl who were voting in the new constituency of Clwyd North.

This is what they want from their new MP.

GENERAL ELECTION LIVE: All the results and reaction that matter to North Wales

Karen Hibbert: “I’d like to see our MP pushing for more funding for schools, for children’s mental health services and for our local hospitals. There are a lot of issues in Rhyl that could be addressed with more central funding from Government.

“I am hopeful that whoever comes in will make the changes needed, because we have to hope.”

(Image: Alec Doyle)

Kayleigh Hibbert: “I would like to see greater funding and support for essential support for the homeless. We’ve seen in our own town organisations try to alleviate homelessness only to struggle for funding and disappear – leaving people in need without shelter.

“I’d also like to see better funding and support for women’s refuges. Domestic violence is another issue that is difficult to solve, but the lack of funding and the struggles that organisations have just to get funding makes it even harder.

“I also hope that our MP, whoever they are, takes a real look at what is available for young people in Rhyl. Everything for them to do seems to cost money. If there was some sort of free activity provision for kids I think that would be really positive.”

(Image: Alec Doyle)

Peter Fryers said:  “We need to see some action. Whoever comes in needs to do something because at the moment nothing is happening in Rhyl. A couple of years ago there seemed to be a bit of funding around and we started to see some activity but now there’s nothing. Just more empty shop units.

“I think our MP needs to push for a better funding arrangement from central government so that the council can offer business rate relief. The business rates and rents are just too high but the council can’t afford to cut them. Businesses need some help in order to invest and help bring the town back up, but we need a strong voice.”

(Image: Alec Doyle)

Lorraine Rice said: “I want to see reform, both politically and the party. Rhyl has changed a lot in recent years and there are clearly a lot more migrants here now than there were.

"I never used to be bothered by immigration but it seems to have increased massively. There are clearly so many more people coming in - while I am not anti-immigration I do believe we should have control.”

(Image: Alec Doyle)

Emma Bratley said: “I am training to be a nurse so I see how NHS funding cuts are affecting the provision of health services in Rhyl. The UK Government needs to increase the amount provided for the NHS in Wales and our MP needs to be a leading voice in that.

"They also need to get the Royal Alex Hospital situation sorted, because that will take a lot of pressure off Glan Clwyd, so that is what I hope happens after the election.”