Polling stations across North Wales have opened as voters have their say at the General Election.

Thousands of people in Denbighshire will be casting their vote between 7am and 10pm, with opinion polls suggesting Labour is on course to secure a big majority in the House of Commons and form a new government.

MORE: Meet the candidates standing in Clwyd East

We called at a polling station in Prestatyn - voting in the Clwyd East constituency - this morning to find out what people wanted from their new MP.

(Image: Alec Doyle)

Pamela Lees said: "I really hope that whoever gets in brings more empathy and compassion to the country.

"We have been through so much in recent years and I feel we need politicians that being more kindness to policies like immigration.

(Image: Alec Doyle)

Sarah Wilkie said: "I'd like to see our MP offer more support to the under-represented in our society.

"Throughout Denbighshire there are economic problems and people struggling with socio-economic pressures and I really want to see them do something about that."

(Image: Alec Doyle)

Alan Veitch said: "I don't believe there will be any change. However if there was I would like to see more controls for immigration. I support skilled migrant workers like nurses coming into the UK but we cannot keep taking in the numbers we are. It's not sustainable.

"I'd also like to see more doctors in surgeries to make getting appointments easier.

"Our MP needs to focus on the needs of Prestatyn."

Jess Morecombe said: "I want to see politicians and a government you can trust. After all the lockdown parties that is a real issue for me. I'm a student and last time voted Green.

"This time I have done more research. I want Prestatyn's MP to work hard to improve social cohesion. The population of the town is changing and it's important to work on building a sense of community across society."

(Image: Alec Doyle)

Christine Darkes said: "My biggest concerns are the cost of living and the bins! My bins have not been collected for three weeks, it's a shambles. I want to know if we are still going to get a police station here in Prestatyn and whether we will see more police walking the streets being part of the community?

"My family have loved in Prestatyn for over 70 years and it's changed a lot. It has its problems but proper, community policing would make a huge difference.

"Anything that can be done to sort out the Pontins site would also be crucial. It's an eyesore and it's having a real impact on the town."

Join us later for our LIVE blog that will bring you all the news and views as the results come in.