A TEENAGER from Kinmel Bay has been sentenced to detention in a young offenders’ institution after two attacks in Rhyl involving a machete and a meat cleaver.

Phoenix Divers, 19, of Rhys Avenue, was sentenced to four years and eight months’ detention, to be followed by a period of four years on licence, at Caernarfon Crown Court today (July 3).

He had previously admitted two counts of possession of a bladed article, and one charge each of wounding with intent and attempted robbery.


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Prosecuting, Oliver King told the court that, on the evening of April 16, 2022, Gareth Mills and his partner noticed a male (Divers) following them as they walked past Rhyl bus station.

This male then shouted at them: “Give me your f***ing wallet.”

Mr Mills was then struck to his upper right leg, before turning around and seeing a male whose face was partially covered by a bandana/scarf.

Divers, who was 16 at the time, later told his partner: “I’ll stab you and your boyfriend,” before inflicting one kick each upon Mr Mills and his partner.

As a result, Mr Mills suffered an inflamed kidney, and underwent ultrasound treatment in hospital.

Later that day, an incident occurred outside the same bus station, which involved Divers brandishing a machete and robbed a male of his vape.

Police conducted an area search, and spotted Divers running away from a group – he was pursued and apprehended.

Near to where Divers was found, officers located a meat cleaver which, when forensically examined, was linked to the defendant via fingerprints.

Then, on December 19, 2023, Nathan Lowry came across Divers by chance at another person’s flat in Rhyl.

At the time, Mr Lowry had known Divers for roughly two years from the “drug scene” in the town, and owed the defendant £40.

Divers confronted him at this debt, which led to Mr Lowry headbutting him to his face several times.

Having been told to “take it outside”, Mr Lowry left, but saw Divers running after him having brandished a machete.

Mr Lowry ran away, but looked back to see Divers behind him, “swiping” a machete towards his back.

The blade connected with Mr Lowry’s shoulder area and down his back, and first aid was provided to him until police and paramedics arrived.

After being taken to hospital, he was found to have sustained a wound to the right side of his upper back measuring 10cm in length and 3cm in width.

Mr Lowry, who discharged himself from hospital, said he wants to leave the Rhyl area for fear that this incident could re-occur.

Divers made off from Bath Street before police arrived, but he was later found in a church car park, having disposed of his clothing and the machete.

Officers searched the area that night and were able to recover these items, before Divers was arrested on December 22.

In the 20 months between these two incidents, Divers committed further offences of possession of class A and B drugs, and possession of a bladed article in public (twice).

Defending Divers, Jade Tufail said he is “clearly an intelligent, capable young man” who has “faced some adversity” in his life.

“It’s clear he has become involved, from a young time, with an environment and with others who are, perhaps, not helpful,” she added.

“It’s clear that his response to the perceived disrespect he’s received in the past has been wholly unacceptable, and that he’s a young man who has a lot of growing up to do.”

Divers, who has a young baby with his partner, wants to gain work in the construction industry, Ms Tufail said.

Sentencing, Judge Timothy Petts told Divers: “You have a pro-criminal attitude. You are immature. You are not learning from the consequences of your actions.

“I have no hesitation in saying that an extended sentence is necessary.”

Judge Petts ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the weapons seized from Divers, who was also handed a restraining order which prevents him from contacting Mr Lowry for 10 years.

Divers is to also pay a statutory surcharge.