THE MET office weather predictions for the week ahead in North Wales offers some hope of some more sunshine.

The experts are are signalling the prospect of higher temperatures to come this week.

According to the Met Office, today (June 24) will be 'mostly fine with some very warm sunshine'.

The outlook for Tuesday (June 25) to Thursday (June 27) is as follows: "Cloudy and cool in the northeast on Wednesday. Warm, or hot sunshine elsewhere."

The forecast adds: "Showers possible in the southwest. Rain likely moving east on Thursday. Turning brighter, showery, fresher for Friday."

Dan Rudman is a Met Office Deputy Chief Meteorologist. He said: “Fine conditions will return by the beginning of this week. For much of the UK this will be accompanied by a boost in temperatures with many places reaching the mid-20°Cs.

"Some central and southern areas are likely to see temperatures approaching the values needed for heatwave conditions. Heatwave conditions need to remain in situ for three consecutive days, and by the beginning to middle of next week it is possible that some parts of the UK could be reaching heatwave thresholds.

“However, whether or not everyone experiences heatwave thresholds, the majority of the UK will experience the highest temperatures so far this year."