A BOY was allegedly followed by an older man in Rhyl yesterday afternoon (June 19).

This is said to have happened at Marine Lake, at about 5.45pm yesterday.

North Wales Police have liaised with the boy and his family, while two females were said to have safeguarded him.


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The boy’s mother told the Journal: “As he cut through onto Marine Lake, he noticed a man following him, so he walked faster, but then so did the man.

“He then made sexual comments to my son – two women overhead this, and turned around to get a picture of this man.

“They proceeded to walk with my son until it was safe enough for him to run home.

“The man was described as in his 50s or 60s, wearing black pants, black jacket with a black t-shirt underneath with a big picture on the front of it, and a dark grey flat cap.”

Police are keen to speak to the two females who helped the boy, and have urged them to contact the force.

A North Wales Police spokesperson said: “Local officers have been aware of an incident that occurred at Marine Lake, Rhyl yesterday afternoon, and are liaising with the family and boy involved.

“We believe two female members of the public were witnesses to the incident, and safeguarded the boy.

“We would like them to contact us via our live webchat or on 101 quoting ref Q088599.”