READERS have slammed the new Denbighshire County Council bin collection system, with some saying their refuse has not been collected for several weeks.

The council’s new Trolibocs system, which collects paper, plastic, metal, food cartons, and glass, was introduced county-wide on June 3.

Residents are now required to separate their “dry” recycling using a three-tier “Trolibocs” service, which has been delivered to households since February.

The council expects residents to separate the items themselves to help cut costs, with a weighted hessian bag used for cardboard.


‘Emergency meeting’ of council amid bin collection complaints

Council apologises as Denbighshire residents face bin problems

However, the council has apologised several times after residents across the county complained about their refuse being missed by collectors, with some waiting weeks for a bin collection.

Dissatisfaction with the system prompted an ‘emergency meeting’ of the council yesterday, with some councillors also voicing their displeasure at the “bad” scheme.

This is how readers reacted this week:

June Williams

“We need the old system back, please go back to the old bins.”

Martin Anthony

“This just goes to show the incompetence of DCC . There are other areas and councils that said it didn’t work and reverted back to the original way of just using the large bins.

“More tax payers’ money wasted.”

Mellymoo Sunnysan

“Ours wasn’t collected last Friday. Now hoping for tomorrow. I have registered a complaint with DCC. Absolute disgrace to be told staffing problem but has been five years in planning (their words).”

Mark Powell

“There was nothing wrong with the old system - why didn’t they introduce another bin like the old ones.”

Ellen Fraser

“Why fix something that wasn’t broken! So far it’s been a shambles.”

David Easton

“Two weeks later and still waiting for our to be emptied.”

Tania Powell:

“20 mile an hour was imposed on drivers and this shambolic system was imposed on the people.”

Charles Carmichael

“Our bins have not been emptied for the last two weeks and another lot piled up in kitchen.”

Keith Vaughan

“Mine are still out now because no one picked up any of the bins in our street yesterday, absolutely joke.”

Matthew Thomas

“I called Denbighshire up before to say my bins hadn’t been collected all I get is oh sorry you must have been missed out.”

Beverley Jane Camm

“Still waiting for our blue bin to be emptied. New ones were done last week along with food waste – it’s the waste collectors I feel for, they must be getting so much aggro from the public.”

Geraldine Garrod

“My bins haven't been emptied since the new scheme started. Food caddy not emptied for three weeks. How long before rats find this new food source.”

A Denbighshire County Council spokesman apologised on behalf of the authority, citing ‘teething problems’.

“We are still experiencing some teething problems with the roll-out of our new recycling service,” she said.

“Unfortunately, with any operational change of this scale, there will always be a number of unexpected issues at the outset.

“We remain confident that this will settle down over time, and that services will return to the level of reliability that we are used to in Denbighshire. 

“We know that this provides no consolation for anyone who has had a missed collection recently, but we do expect this to be a short-term issue and to improve over the coming weeks. However, we would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by any missed collections.

“We are encouraging people to use our online missed collections form, as that is the most effective and efficient way to communicate that information to our operational team

He added: “We would like to assure residents that we are taking these issues very seriously, and we are doing everything we can to get the new service running as smoothly as possible, as soon as possible.

“We would like to thank all residents for their patience while our crews adapt to the new service. We would also like to thank residents for their continued efforts with the new recycling system.

“It is already clear that the quality of recycling received from our collections has been very good, with very little contamination.

“We therefore remain confident that this new system will help us to improve our recycling rates and to reach the new statutory target to recycle 70% of household waste.”