A MAN who was found to be dealing class A and B drugs in Rhyl has been jailed.

Andrew Manning, 45, of Southwood Road, Liverpool, was sentenced to five years and seven months’ imprisonment at Mold Crown Court today (June 12).

His co-defendant and ex-partner, Tracey Hoolahan, 52, of Huskisson Street, Liverpool, was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment, suspended for the same time period.

Manning previously pleaded guilty to possession of class B (amphetamine) and A (cocaine) drugs with intent to supply.

Hoolahan previously admitted possession of a class B drug (amphetamine) with intent to supply, and being concerned in the supply of class A (cocaine and heroin) and B (amphetamine) drugs.


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Prosecuting, Nicholas Williams told the court that, in August 2020, police executed a search warrant at an address on Eastville Avenue in Rhyl, after officers grew suspicious having seen people entering and leaving the property in quick succession repeatedly.

Inside the property, Manning was found to have hidden 53 “street deals” of crack cocaine up his bottom, while £685 in cash, which Hoolahan said was hers, was seized.

Hoolahan’s phone was examined, revealing messages suggesting an involvement in dealing class A drugs.

These included “you got ‘bob’ (heroin)?” and “they want seven bits but not sure which; I think four ‘lemo’ (crack cocaine) and three ‘bob’”.

When police then searched Manning’s home in Liverpool, a quantity of amphetamine was seized, with both defendants’ fingerprints found on its packaging.

Defending Manning, who had 36 previous convictions for 88 offences, Rachel Cooper said he has suffered from a “very long-standing drug addition”.

The court heard that this was his third conviction for drug trafficking offences, having previously been jailed for four and eight years for supplying class As.

Representing Hoolahan, who had 15 previous convictions for 30 offences, Charles Lander said there has been a positive change in her behaviour since these matters came to light.

Hoolahan, Mr Lander said, had been the victim of domestic violence from Manning, and claimed she had been acting on his direction “out of fear”.

Some of the amphetamine would have been for her own personal use rather than for dealing, meanwhile.

Sentencing, Judge Niclas Parry told Manning: “You’ve no regard for the consequences. Custodial sentences don’t stop you.”

He added to Hoolahan: “The reality is that you couldn’t care about the harm that’s caused by drugs, and in one of the worst-affected areas in Wales so far as drug crime and suffering is concerned.

“Despite your efforts to sell some nonsense story to the probation service, you knew full well what was going on in Rhyl, and were prepared to play your part.

“(But) I’m giving you an exceptional chance, mainly because of the delay (in sentencing), but also because of the basis of plea and what’s been urged on your behalf this morning.”

Hoolahan will also pay a statutory surcharge and complete 250 hours’ unpaid work, with Judge Parry reserving her case to himself should she breach her suspended sentence.

Judge Parry ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs, paraphernalia, phone and money seized from the defendants.