A MAN from Abergele who slashed his father’s forearm with a folding lock knife has been jailed.

Daniel Davies, 40, of South Parade, was sentenced to three years and 10 months’ imprisonment at Mold Crown Court today (June 3).

He had previously admitted, five days before his trial was due to start, a charge of wounding with intent.


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Prosecuting, Simon Mintz told the court that, for many years, the defendant’s father, David Davies, has had concerns about his son’s mental health, including his “violent outbursts”.

His father was said to have his own medical problems, including being at particular risk of suffering a heart attack or a stroke.

On November 24, 2023, Davies’ father was alone in his living room when he entered suddenly, “clearly wound-up” and making threats to his aunt, Monica; his father’s sister.

Davies been staying with his grandmother, for whom his aunt was her carer, for the last 12 months, and a dispute regarding housing benefit payments had arisen.

He threatened to damage his father’s collection of scooters in his garage, insisted that he give him money, and made threats against his aunt’s property.

Later, he picked up his grandfather’s folding lock knife, unfolded the blade, walked towards his father who was still sat in the chair, held the blade against his father’s chest, and asked him: “Do you want me to?”

Davies’ father recalled seeing “madness” in his son’s face, and feared he was going to kill him.

His father struggled to relinquish the knife from Davies’ hand, before the blade eventually closed and fell to the floor.

But when Davies picked it up, he re-opened the blade, and slashed his father to the left forearm without any warning, causing a “gaping wound”.

Davies’ father fled to his kitchen and called police, but as he did so, the defendant tried to take his mobile phone from home, while shouting that he was lying, and that he had, in fact, stabbed him.

He left his father’s property before police arrived, but was arrested later that day at his grandmother’s house, where his aunt was also present.

As he was led away by officers, he could be heard shouting: “I’m coming back for you.”

Defending Davies, Simon Killeen highlighted his guilty plea as an admission of wrongdoing on his part.

Davies was also said to suffer from personality disorder and a dependency on drugs and alcohol.

Sentencing, Recorder Simon Mills also imposed a 10-year restraining order, prohibiting Davies from having contact with his father or aunt for that period of time.

Recorder Mills told Davies: “It’s clear that your behaviour has been a concern for some time. This incident is going to have, sadly for everyone, a long-lasting impact.

“This incident was probably life-changing for everybody, because of its seriousness.

“Consider your behaviour, consider how drugs and alcohol are impacting on it, and concentrate on finding strategies in controlling your behaviour when you’re released.”

Davies will also pay a statutory surcharge.