A woman is taking on a running challenge next month for charity after suffering the heartbreak of multiple miscarriages. 

Emma Wilson, who used to own Emzcakes in the Wrexham before it closed in December 2022, is running 50 miles in June to raise funds for and awareness of The Miscarriage Association - a charity very close to her heart.

The 36-year-old said: "My partner and I had multiple miscarriages, including one loss where we made it past the so called 'safe 12-week mark'. We are lucky and have been able to support each other through each loss, but not everyone has that support system around them.

"The joy of finding out you are pregnant is such a wonderful feeling, but for myself and many others, we also experience the heartbreak and devastation of losing your baby. Loss affects everyone differently, and everyone's feelings are valid, and every loss matters.

"I want people to feel like they can talk openly about their experiences of miscarriage if they want to. It is something that isn't talked about enough."

Rhyl Journal:

Emma, who now works for Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, has set up a JustGiving page - and admits running is "taking me out of my comfort zone". You can visit the page at https://bit.ly/3Vl5dFm.

She added: "Anything we can do to help remove the stigma around miscarriage is a good thing. It is so much more common than people realise with 1 in 4 pregnancies ending in loss.

"I think people struggle to know what to say or don't want to upset anyone, when someone they know has lost a baby, but sometimes just being there and acknowledging the loss rather than acting like it hasn't happened is often enough."

Talking about the support The Miscarriage Association gave her, Emma said: "I used the Miscarriage Association's private Facebook group during my first miscarriage. This is the first time I have spoken publicly about my losses, other than to close family and friends, and the Miscarriage Association has given me the confidence to do this.

"When you go through pregnancy loss, you feel like you have no control over the situation, and often blame yourself. The physical and mental pain is immense. The Miscarriage Association helped me and others share our stories, so we realise we are not alone, and we should not feel embarrassed about talking about miscarriage.

"I want to raise money to support them to continue to offer the amazing free services they provide to anyone going through a pregnancy loss including partners, and family. They also do some amazing work training managers how to be more supportive in the workplace, too."