A WOMAN from Rhyl who formerly represented the Welsh national learning disabilities football team has been spared jail after breaching her two-year community order.

Hannah Gibbon, 32, of Victoria Road, was sentenced at Caernarfon Crown Court on March 15, 2023 for possession of class A and B drugs and for possession with intent to supply cannabis.

This related to an incident in October 2020, when police discovered 107.62g of cannabis and 1.67g of cocaine during a search of her home, as well as other drug paraphernalia.

An expert said that the cannabis recovered had a street value of just more than £1,000.


Rhyl woman who possessed more than £1,000 of cannabis spared jail

At Mold Crown Court today (January 3), she was ordered to complete a further 12 months of drug rehabilitation requirements after admitting her breach of the order.

Prosecuting, Amy Edwards told the court that, on November 17, 2023, Gibbon failed to attend a planned probation appointment without reasonable excuse.

Of her 30 offered appointments so far, she has attended 24, while she has completed 10 of the 35 rehabilitation activity requirement days she was handed, with five “unacceptable absences”.

Gibbon had completed the drug rehabilitation requirements she had been ordered to carry out last March, having attended all but two drugs tests.

The probation service believes Gibbon has made “good progress”, Ms Edwards said.

Defending, Simon Killeen said her client has “ongoing issues”, including her “quite severe” case of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

But, he said, there is “clearly some progress being made by her”.

Gibbon had 14 previous convictions for 21 offences when she was sentenced last March.

Recorder Wyn Lloyd-Jones, presiding over today’s hearing, told Gibbon she was “really lucky” to avoid further punishment.

She will also be subject to monthly drug reviews, “to keep an eye on you”.

“Don’t throw away this opportunity,” Recorder Lloyd-Jones told her.

“I’m going out of my way to make sure this works for you.”