A ROTARY Club launched a 'shoebox appeal' to help the poorest and most disadvantaged in Ukraine and other Balkan countries.

Tracey Phillips, of Rhyl Rotary Club, came across the shoebox appeal for Ukraine and other Balkan countries. She approached club members and family and friends, hoping to be able to donate six shoeboxes packed with goodies and essentials. 

Instead she received a deluge of shoeboxes, lovingly hand-packed with teddies, toys, scarves, hats, cutlery and other essentials started to arrive - together with cards and messages of hope and encouragement.

These will be despatched to the organising charity 'Link to Hope' in plenty of time for Christmas.

Tracey said: "Quite simply I am overwhelmed. We now have more than 18 packed boxes which will be delivered for transportation to Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria and Romania where they are needed most - bringing at least some festive cheer to those who would otherwise be without even the bare essentials - and the shoeboxes are still coming in."

Tony Thomas, club President, said: "We are surprised and delighted with the result.


"As a club we are also looking at ways of helping and supporting Ukranian families who have settled in the North Wales area and the shoebox appeal will hopefully become an annual event; it is a part of our ongoing commitment to helping not just local deserving causes but also those on a national scale.

"Only recently, over £1,200 was raised as a contribution to the global Rotary commitment to ending polio throughout the world".

To learn more about the Rotary club of Rhyl, telephone Pete McKenzie on 07775-553-688 or email pete_mckenzie@sky.com