A SCHOOL in Abergele no longer requires an Estyn review after it was found to have worked well towards meeting its recommended targets set out from a previous inspection.

Ysgol Emrys ap Iwan, on Faenol Avenue, was inspected in May 2022, which led to four recommendations for improvement being made in a report published the following July.

And a follow-up visit by Wales’ education and training inspectorate earlier this year found that the school had made “sufficient progress” in those regards.


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The generally positive 2022 report, which said the school “offers pupils a wide range of opportunities to experience learning within the school day and beyond”, made the following recommendations:

  • Improve the quality of teaching and assessment.
  • Strengthen provision for the progressive development of pupils’ skills, including Welsh.
  • Strengthen leadership at all levels and improve self-evaluation and improvement planning.
  • Address the health and safety issues identified during the inspection.

Ysgol Emrys ap Iwan was then tasked with drawing up an “action plan” to show how it was going to address the recommendations.

A letter to the school from Catherine Evans, Estyn assistant director, which is available to read on Estyn’s website and dated July 14, said that “sufficient progress” has been made in the above areas.

It read: “The school is judged to have made sufficient progress in addressing the recommendations from the Section 28 inspection. 

“The school has been removed from the list of schools requiring Estyn review. 

“There will be no further monitoring activity in relation to this inspection.”

The full 2022 report for Ysgol Emrys ap Iwan can also be read on Estyn’s website.