A PARANOMRAL investigator claims he heard voices and banging noises during a visit to Gwrych Castle. 

Ghost Whisperer Tony Ferguson, who documents haunted locations in around the UK, was attracted to the I'm A Celeb castle after hearing reports of people experiencing "unexplained things."

He visited the ruin near Abergele on July 2 at about 4pm. He was the only person in the castle apart from two staff members who were positioned by the gate. 

Tony, who is from New Forest in England and is currently on holiday in Eryri (Snowdonia), said: "I was curious to see what was going on within the castle and if I could explain and debunk a lot of the claims but all the things I encountered left me scratching my head.

Rhyl Journal: Tony outside Gwrych Castle near AbergeleTony outside Gwrych Castle near Abergele (Image: Submitted)

"Whilst walking around the castle, I came across the chapel area which I spent most of my time in. From the moment I walked in... I began to feel sick and began to feel like I was not welcome. I started asking questions and calling out things that were relevant to the castle and started hearing bangs in an area closed off to the general public.

"I had to check to make sure [no one was there] because the bangs and voices were coming from behind the sofa.

"When I checked behind the sofa, there were just lots of work helmets. I felt that, if I didn't check, the sceptical side of me would have been wondering if there was someone behind the sofa messing around."

Tony placed his camera down and started asking more questions out loud about the late occupants of the castle.

"I heard footsteps walking towards the door so I picked up my camera and waited for someone to walk through," he said.

"After a few seconds, I realised the footsteps had stopped and no one had come in.

"I grabbed my camera and ran out the door but no one was there.

"This left me scratching my head as did the voices and banging noises I heard."

Tony said a lot of the voices he heard seemed to be in a language that he didn't understand. 

"I couldn't make out what was being said to me," he said.

"I returned to the chapel area before leaving and asked the question 'do you not like me being here because I am English?' And I got an immediate response of a bang.

"Out of respect, I left the castle.

"My overall experience of the location with the bangs, the footsteps and feeling sick, I think... whatever was there was trying to get me to leave."

On occasions, Tony works with Ghost2Ghost Paranormal Investigations.

He said: "I'm looking to return with Debbie Mcall and Emily Cowell, owners of Ghost2Ghost. We want to book the location and put locked off cameras throughout and see if we can document anything else within the location."


Tony added: "I have visited many locations throughout the UK and I must say, I was impressed by the activity I experienced in this castle.

"I was only in there for just over half an hour and it was a very intense. So much happened.

"I would put this in my top 10 haunted locations throughout the uk.

"It would be interesting to see if anyone from I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! [that was filmed at Gwrych Castle in 2020 and 2021] experienced any unexplained things because, whatever it is in the castle, seems to want to make their presence known.

"I did notice when mentioning the Lloyd family, this is when things started happening."