A LARGE group of dolphins were spotted “putting on a show” in waters off Prestatyn Central Beach last week.

Members of Prestatyn Sailing Club saw more than 30 of the creatures after heading out to sea on Friday afternoon (May 26).

They had just passed the two-mile mark of their journey when they began to see the dolphins breaking the surface about half a mile away.

Rhyl Journal: Dolphins in waters off PrestatynDolphins in waters off Prestatyn (Image: Stephen Taylor)


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A spokesperson for the club said: “We carried on the course, and the dolphins joined us, jumping the wake and bow wave of the boat, as well as jumping to the side of the boat, putting on a show.

“I had my uncle with me on the boat, and he had never seen this before.

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“He was amazed to see the dolphins of our coast, but I explained that, since the windfarm was erected, we have had more pods feeding, and bigger pods.

“This was over 30 dolphins; they soon got bored, as we had stopped moving, and they were gone as fast as they had arrived!”

Those interested in joining Prestatyn Sailing Club are encouraged to attend its next meeting on June  29 at 7.30pm, at its clubhouse at Barkby Beach.