A RHYL pilot took a retired lieutenant colonel up into the air in the same model of plane that his father was killed in during one of the world’s largest airshows. 

Stewart Ellis, owner of Palins Caravan Park, who has been involved in Sun ‘n Fun Aerospace Expo in Lakeland, Florida, for the past 20 years, was asked by organisers to take ex-fighter pilot Mark Renelt for a flight in his warbird Cessna 02.

The plane was used in the Vietnam War; Mark’s father was shot down and killed in the same model of plane.

His body was never found and he was declared Missing in Action (MIA).  

Rhyl Journal: Stewart Ellis has been flying for 40 yearsStewart Ellis has been flying for 40 years (Image: Stewart Ellis)

Mr Ellis said: “I had a phone call from the organisers because they know me as I won Grand Champion 2015 with one of my planes, and they asked if I could do them a favour. They said this guy, whose father was killed and missing in action in Vietnam, he would like to go to in a plane that his father was killed in which is he same model of my plane. I said ‘yes that is fine, no problem’ then I found out it was going to be part of the show. 

“We met, we talked and he asked the control tower if he could use his father’s call sign.”

Mr Ellis, who has been flying for 40 years, added: “We circled the airshow a number of times and he found this very emotional and I found it very emotional. Very emotional... yeah, because I do these things purely because for the warbird people, for the veterans. It was an experience for myself.

“I go to every year to the Sun ‘n Fun because it keeps it going because people want to see the warbirds.

“My plane is based in Florida.” 

Mr Renelt has been wanting to learn more about his father and has been looking for leads since he was declared MIA. 


Speaking to Florida Aviation Network host Brian Purdy during an interview at Sun ‘n Fun, Mr Renelt said: “The door knock happened, there was a lack of information for years which has being going on since he was MIA. It is not until the last four or five years that things started picking up particularly with the new organisation who are not only trying to find remains of Vietnam veterans but WW2, Korea.

“This is a huge help flying to understand what he was doing.”


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Two years ago, the crash site was discovered and an archaeological dig was planned. Mark’s family was presented with the lieutenant colonel’s rank that was on his father when he was shot down. 

More than 200,000 visitors flock every year to Sun ‘n Fun.

The event is described as Florida’s largest annual convention.