A DRINK driver who ploughed into an oncoming car containing husband and wife off-duty police officers has been jailed. 

Andrew Hughes, of Maes-y-Dre, Gronant, fled the scene of the crash on the A543 at Groes, Denbigh, without helping the victims and instead went to a pub for a lunchtime lager.

On Wednesday (March 16), Hughes, 33, appeared at Mold Crown Court for sentencing.

He was jailed for three years after pleading guilty to causing serious injury to David Butterworth, drink driving, and failing to remain at the scene of the collision which occurred on May 24, 2022. 

He was also banned from driving for five and a half years.

Brian Treadwell, prosecuting, told the court that Hughes, driving an Audi, failed to negotiate a bend, swerving on the wrong side of the road before colliding with an oncoming Vauxhall Astra, being driven by Mr Butterworth, at 65mph. 

Judge Niclas Parry told Hughes, who has two previous convictions for drink driving, that his "selfish, thoughtless conduct" had caused serious injury to one victim and injury to the second.

The judge added: "The impact was immense, one of the victims described feeling she was going to die."

Mr Butterworth broke three bones in his back, and still suffers from back pain, and he said there were potential career problems because of the injuries.

The court heard the couple's car had finished 200 metres away, close to a river, trapping the occupants. 

Aimee Butterworth had concussion, losing consciousness, and there was blood and smoke inside the car. Her husband managed to crawl out across the back seat of the Astra in a field and their plight had been spotted luckily by a passer-by, who called for help.

Hughes told police he had two pints of lager at 9am and Mr Treadwell stated that an empty vodka bottle and empty lager containers had been found in his Audi.

In an impact statement which he read in court, Mr Butterworth said he was thankful that their two young children had not been with them.

"I feel extremely lucky to have survived the crash," he said.

He said he was proud of his career but was now limited to administrative desk duties and worried about the future. He still suffers pain and has problems when wanting to lift up his children to play with them.

Anna Price, defending, said Hughes had expressed remorse and regret over the incident. His employer also described him as hard working and skilled. 

Judge Parry said: "When you caused those injuries, when the severity of the collision was apparent, rather than stay or help or call the emergency services at the very least you fled into a public house where you continued drinking. This is a shocking case of its kind."

He had not checked the wellbeing of the couple or dialled 999.

Judge Parry told Mr Butterworth: "I wish you well. I wish you every success."