A NORTH WALES lad has found a Walkers crisp which could be worth £100,000 - and he nearly ate it!

Harvey Jones, from Acrefair, between Wrexham and Llangollen, was tucking into a bag of his favourite salt and vinegar flavoured crisps when he found one was heart-shaped. 

Before the 13-year-old could devour it - his father, Matthew, passed the crisp to Harvey's mother, Lauren Wilkins, and said: "There you go - a heart shape crisp. Don’t say I don’t give you anything". 

Rhyl Journal: This crisp could be worth £100,000. This crisp could be worth £100,000. (Image: User generated content)

None of them realised that they'd found a crisp which could land them with a life-changing sum of money. 

Lauren then noticed on the packet that there was a competition being advertised. 

Walkers is giving away £100,000 to whoever finds the best heart-shaped specimen in its standard bags.


The competition started in January and is running for two months.

The crisp manufacturer says heart-shaped crisps can be found in its packs because of the natural shapes of the British potatoes it uses.


"We bought the packets from a local shop in Plas Madoc," Lauren said. 

"It's so lucky my boy spotted it and didn't eat it. It's an absolutely life-changing amount of money and fingers crossed we win it."

Lauren took a photo of the crisp on Instagram - tagging Walkers and using the hashtag #lovefromwalkers - the steps needed to take to be entered into the competition.

Rhyl Journal:

Lauren and family now have an anxious wait to hear if they've been successful. 

Asked what she'd do with the money, Lauren said: "Not too sure - after the last three years it'd be so nice to be comfortable in life. 

"I'd certainly treat Harvey to a holiday!".