A FORMER gang leader who became a crime author is to hold a book signing at pub in Rhyl which is to soon reopen.

Charlie Seiga, now in his 80s, will be at The Glanglasfor pub on March 29 to sign copies of his books.

It follows on from a similar appearance Charlie made at Rhyl’s White Rose Centre last November.

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Previously the leader of Liverpool’s “Jelly Gang”, Charlie has written a series of crime books inspired by his own life experiences.

Having been a petty thief in his teens, his idea of using explosives to crack safes cemented his place in a criminal gang, before he later turned to armed robbery.

The Glanglasfor, which has been closed since November, was bought by Freddy Tierney, who hopes to re-open the pub in the coming months.


Rhyl pub set to re-open under new owner after months of closure

Tickets for Charlie’s book signing cost £15 and can be purchased from the e-cigarette stand in the White Rose Centre which Freddy runs.

A BBC representative who will be working with Charlie on an upcoming documentary will be in attendance, with filming due to take place in Liverpool the following day.

Freddy, who met Charlie through a mutual friend, said Charlie is also keen to give a talk at a school telling children how to stay our of crime.

He stressed that no any alcohol will be sold or provided at the book signing, nor will any other licensable activities be conducted during the event.

He is currently in the process of applying for a premises licence and appointing a personal licence holder prior to re-opening The Glanglasfor.

Freddy said: “Upstairs has been rented out to a combat academy, so at least the building is being used; just not in the pub yet.”