A ROCKER who struggled to breathe just a few months ago has achieved another incredible milestone - climbing Snowdon. 

On Saturday, to mark his birthday, The Alarm frontman Mike Peters said to his wife Jules that he wanted to scale Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon). 

So to the highest mountain in Wales the couple went. 

Jules said the hike was emotional and "very cold".

Rhyl Journal: Mike at the summit of SnowdonMike at the summit of Snowdon (Image: Jules Peters)

"Only five months ago, Mike could barely take a step or breathe but today he put that all behind him," Jules said.

"It was a milestone. I felt quite tearful on the top - a mixture of gratitude that MP [Mike Peters] is moving forwards and also the fact that I couldn’t feel my face.

"It was so icy and snowy at the top that we decided we couldn’t risk retracing our steps back down Miners’ Track the as it was too dangerous, so we had to take the Llanberis path back down.


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"A lift was arranged to take us up to Pen y Pass and homeward bound.

"Mike had the best day and is feeling fit and well which is all we could have ever hoped for."

Mike was hospitalised in September. Earlier in 2022, following an acclaimed national tour with his band, Mike relapsed [Mike was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in 2005].

The rocker stopped responding to his medication and had to undergo a new gruelling treatment plan.

Fortunately, following treatment, Mike was able to get back to doing what he loves and in January, he stepped on stage at Venue Cymru for the Gathering and declared to his fans "I’m back."

The couple passed Matt Edwards, a boxing coach from Portsmouth, Hampshire, during their trek.

Matt lost his left leg [below the knee] five years ago when he was involved in a crash while commuting to work on his motorbike. 

He scaled Y Wydda with his friend Jack Sharpe and Matt's 13-year-old nephew. Money was raised for Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity (Sands); Matt's brother-in-law, Callum went through a stillbirth in 2022.

Jules commented: "I couldn't believe it."

Mike has released a new song called 'Next'. The singer wrote Next in hospital - he had his acoustic guitar with him at the time and an intravenous line (IV) in his arm. 

Mike said: "The lyrics of the song were conceived while I was being treated for a leukaemia relapse and a lung that had filled with blood.


“The outcome was uncertain, but the medical and nursing staff did all they could to keep me going and, in fact, were probably the first people to hear what I was working up musically while they did their life saving work.

"It wasn’t planned, but once the realisation hit me that I was going to be in hospital for a long time, I knew I needed my guitar to break the monotony of the isolation.

"Being able to play music to myself kept me going and I’m convinced that it helped me make the transition back to life.”

Mike filmed the video for his new song in hospital corridors.

Next is available to stream and can be purchased via music platforms online.