A COUPLE of schoolboys were seen riding on the back of an Arriva bus in North Wales yesterday afternoon (February 13). 

This was on Abergele Road, in Colwyn Bay, at about 3.15pm.

Ellie Gilhooley, who took the above footage, said: “I’d just had a sunbed and was walking to Spar to meet my sister.

“I was laughing so started to record, but at the next bus stop, pedestrians and drivers told the bus driver and shouted at the kids.

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“I carried on walking, so I’m not too sure what happened after that. They were school kids, (aged) about 14 or 15.

“Obviously, I knew it was dangerous for them to be doing so; I don’t encourage it. I was shocked.”

Attempts were made to contact Arriva and North Wales Police for further comment.