A NEW mum gave birth to a miracle baby and managed to slim down and keep healthy after battling both breast cancer and a brain tumour.

Amy Cooke, 36, has been part of Slimming World – on and off – for 20 years. She re-joined the Meliden group after being diagnosed with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer in 2017.

She went through six months of treatment including chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

In January 2018, Amy, of Prestatyn, was given the all clear but she started having headaches in June 2018. An MRI scan revealed she had a brain tumour.

The diagnosis was a huge blow to Amy and her parents were told that she wouldn’t live more than a couple of months.After a huge battle, Amy, who is engaged to Paul Rees, was able to return to normality after being told she was cancer free.

The Iceland head office worker was told the likelihood of becoming pregnant was low but in March 2019, the couple were overjoyed to discover Amy was expecting a baby and welcomed Freddie in November 2019.

Rhyl Journal:

Amy is currently cancer free

Speaking about what she has been through, Amy said: “Slimming World helped me eat healthy foods to keep my strength up through it all.

“I joined the group as I needed to change my lifestyle and lose some weight. I lost three stone at the beginning, and life has gotten in the way over the years, but I remained a member on and off to try and stay in control. I could easily be five stone heavier, but the support in group keeps me going.”

Amy credits Slimming World for helping her not put on any weight during treatment.

“My treatment involved a lots steroids,” she said.

“The group helped me make healthier choices, when all you want to do it eat due to the steroids.”

Amy was signed off work when she was diagnosed with the brain tumour.

She was able to return about 2019 following a craniotomy to remove the tumour and stereotactic radiotherapy, which caused extreme fatigue.

“Now I’m still here, currently cancer free with an amazing baby boy,” she said.

Baby Freddie has been the miracle that Amy and Paul have been waiting for.

She said: “Paul has been my rock since we met.

“We couldn’t believe it when we fell pregnant. it meant happy endings can happen.”

Amy is talking about her experience in the hope it helps others who have found themselves in a similar position.

““I would say to others to take all the help you can get. Stay positive and take all the help you can get.

“I’m now having three monthly MRIs, six monthly CT scans, annual mammograms, and regular check ups. Having brain metastases has meant I now live life to the full.

“I’m not naive and know one day the cancer will rear its ugly head again, but I will deal with it as and when, I now have even more to fight it for.”